Monday, September 27, 2010

read aloud idea #1

as I told you in the about me that I will be putting school work here so here it class we are reading a read aloud called "were the mountain meets the moon" here are my ideas . that the gold fish man who believes in "fairy tales" when running into ma and ba and making them feel guilty . I think they might not know that "fairy tales" exist but they definitely know that since minlee believes in in "fairy tales" that by running to never ending mountain she was just trying to help them all . I think now that they Know this this that they will want to help to help minlee instead off brining her home . maybe the gold fish man will help them.


  1. I like how you described the way Ma and Ba felt when the goldfish man looked at them.

    Alexander :)

  2. I also think that the gold fish man will
    help ma and pa because he said that he believed in Minlee.

